Wednesday, October 12, 2011

28 Minutes

I have set a goal for myself that I have to admit excites me and scares me at the same time.

On January 21st, 2012, I will be running the Seasons 52 5.2K. It will be the third time that I run this race but this time, I'm taking my training seriously. I know my goal would be easy for some but it would make me feel so accomplished.

I want to run the race in 28 minutes or less.

One of the great things about Track Shack races is that you can look up your race time history for any race you've run with them. Here is the history they have available for me:

1/24/2009 - Seasons 52 5.2K - 36:29
2/6/2010 - Lady Track Shack 5K - 33:45
4/24/2010 - Run for the Trees - 32:27
1/22/2011 - Seasons 52 5.2K - 32:58
4/23/2011 - Run for the Trees - 30:45

I was bummed because this last Run for the Trees, I really wanted to run it in less than 30 minutes. And I think I would have done it but I got a cramp about half way through. The only other time I can remember getting a cramp running was during the previous year's Run for the Trees. What is up with that?!

Regardless, I am proud that at least for these races that I have record of, my time is slowly getting better. So I have a plan in place that will hopefully get me to 28 minutes in January. I figured if I said it on here, it might as well be set in stone that I have to work towards this goal.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!!

**My favorite race memory - the Disney Princess Half Marathon with my mom!**

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Potatoes, Eggs, or Coffee?

I can't take credit for this story - I received it this morning from our Human Resources Manager and I loved it. Enjoy :)

Potatoes, Eggs, or Coffee?

Once upon a time, there was a young woman. Her life was full of tribulations and complications. She wanted to give up this constant struggle and spend a serene life. It seemed as one problem solved a new one arose. She went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed potatoes, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word.

In about 20 minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the potatoes out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, “Tell me what you see.”

“Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” she replied.

Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the potatoes. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. She asked her mother in puzzlement, “What does it mean, mother?”

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently.

The potato went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.

The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.
The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

“Which are you?” she asked her daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg or a coffee bean?”

Now ask yourself: Are you the potato that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do you become soft and lose your strength?

Are you the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did you have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have you become hardened and stiff? Does your shell look the same, but on the inside are you bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?

Or are you like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. Are you like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate yourself to another level?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

If You Are Happy And You Know It...

I fully admit that over the past few months (ok, actually, for quite a while), I have relied on my happiness coming from a place that clearly wasn't permanent. My joy and spirit slipped away. Tears became a daily occurrence. Frustration has built as I try to figure out why I'm not feeling better.

So I decided I needed to do something. Even if it was small. I've learned that I have a choice: either I need to change what I want or change what I'm doing. I needed to find a way to remind myself on a daily basis that I am blessed way more than I even deserve. I knew there were things that were happening in my life that made me smile on a daily basis. If I could find a way to celebrate those moments, perhaps I would begin to understand that I am the one in control of my perspective.

Hence, MyHappyMoment was born.

The premise is easy: focus on the good not the bad, the happy not the sad,
the positive not the negative.

Just once a day is easy enough for everyone.
I think a positive attitude is infectious and contagious.

What I love about this movement is that when I sit down to think of what "today's happy moment" is going to be, I have several to choose from. That is definitely not what I expected. I am very excited to see the affect this daily exercise has on my outlook on life. I hope it influences others as well. As I get more enthused about MyHappyMoment, I think of more and more ideas to infuse a little happiness into the lives of the people around me. So get on board!

There is nothing more important in life than sharing
a little joy with the people you love!

**Follow MyHappyMoment on Twitter and start sharing your daily happy moment!**

Sunday, September 18, 2011

An Ode to Dog Owners

I learned a very tough lesson...

Being a dog lover does not mean I am ready to be a dog owner.

Remember my post about learning things the hard way (or really, the only way)? Well, that was definitely the case this time.

I spent two weeks with the cutest, sweetest, and smartest puppy I have ever met. And even with all the joy she brought to my life, like greeting me with so much love when I walked in the door, I had to be honest with myself and realize that I'm not ready to have a puppy. This decision was not easy to come to at all. Even thinking about not having her caused me to cry. The type of crying where you can barely breathe. I do know that I tried everything to convince myself that we would be okay together. But at the end of the day, I didn't want to have to convince myself. For so many reasons, too many to even get into right now, I wasn't ready.

And to all of the dog owners reading this, I admire you.

You have to be caring because something is depending on you to survive.

You have to be selfless because inevitably you will have to
give some things up for your furry friend.

You have to be patient to train the puppy, even when you want to be
mad when you see a new wet spot on the carpet.

You have to be willing to get up in the
middle of the night when they have to potty.

You have to be responsible in making sure the dog gets enough
food, water, exercise, and quality time with you.

All in all, you have to be able to love with all of your heart.

I know one day, I will be able to be all of these things. But for now, I will cherish the memories I have of Lily and know that I tried to make a decision that was best for both of us.

...I miss you Lily girl...

Monday, August 29, 2011


Every morning when I'm getting ready for work I listen to a local morning show. Many times their topics revolve around relationships and this morning was no different. They were talking about one of my favorite things:

The Chick Flick

Have you ever noticed the typical line up of programming on TV over the weekend? It's like a romantic comedy marathon. One weekend about three weeks ago, I found myself vegging out on my couch and I watched not one, not two, but FIVE chick flicks in a span of two days. They were:

  • The Proposal

  • Bride Wars

  • How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

  • The Notebook

  • Sweet Home Alabama

I loved it and hated it at the same time. Ok, I admit, I loved it way more than I hated it. Nevertheless, while I love a romantic comedy as much as the next girl, I know they are unrealistic. I mean, would this ever really happen??

That scene just makes me smile. (side note: can I have a Ryan Gosling please?)

Ok one more of my favorite scenes (see - I already got side tracked from what I was talking about because I love this movie so much):

Researchers from a university in Scotland actually did a study on this (source) and found out that chick flicks can create unrealistic expectations for love and relationships, especially when it comes to communication (surprise surprise).

The study indicated that women develop "mind-reader-itis" which means that expect their partner to know what they want or how they are feeling without having to tell them. That all of sudden, they will know exactly what to do. I'm not going to lie - I know I've had unrealistic expectations. I want my own Noah and unfortunately, the chances of that are slim. I have to understand and know myself first before I can be successful in a relationship. I can't expect a guy to know more about me than what I know about myself. And if I want to be in a committed, loving relationship, I have to be able to communicate what I want, why I do what I do, and why I feel the way I do. And, of course, hope that my man will do the same in return.

So I need to move forward knowing that I will be watching romantic comedies simply for the entertainment value. But I think one important lesson can be learned from chick flicks: never settle for less than everything you want! I may not get Noah but I will find love!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

When God Gives You A Quarter...

Earlier this month I posted this on facebook:

I feel like this has been happening quite often for me lately. I find a quarter when I need it most. In a passing conversation, someone says something I've been needing to hear. Or they say something that answers a question that I haven't even asked out loud.

Like yesterday, I met with an amazing professor where I work. The purpose for our meeting was to talk about her programming in the halls. Somehow we started chatting about life and love. She said that falling in love happens when you least expect it. It is not something that can be forced. I know that is something that is said often but it speaks so clearly to what has been on my mind and it was such an unexpected conversation. I can only explain it by saying I must have been meant to hear that message yesterday.

She also said that we live in such a fast paced life and put so much pressure on ourselves to be always going going going. It is just as important to stop and breathe. And allowing for those silent moments will actually prepare you to be more present in your life and enjoy the fast paced moments instead of being overwhelmed by stress and pressure. This conversation happened the day after I spent some time talking with my mom about my habit of list making and how much anxiety it brings me to have to complete the list. So she was my cheerleader as I deleted all of my lists (yes, there were multiple). I already feel more free and the conversation with that professor just confirmed that I was moving in the right direction.

When you are going through a challenging time in life one thing that I know is bound to happen is your faith is tested. It's during these times that you really find out where your strength and foundation lie. I know it would be just as easy to explain it as coincidence. But being able to recognize these moments of confirmation allows me to stay strong and know that God is with me.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'll Take The Hard Way...

Have you ever heard the expression
"I had to learn that the hard way"?

I've said it so many times until one day I stopped to think about what it means. Typically people use the expression about experiences that changed them or helped them grow or challenged them. Learning something the hard way implies there is an easy way to learn these important lessons. Now don't get me wrong, I do think we can gain knowledge through other people's lives or reading books and articles. But for something to sink in, you have to go through it yourself. I mean think about it. When someone was sharing with you a life lesson or giving advice, have they ever said "and I learned that the easy way!"? My guess would be no. I for sure haven't heard that. So my theory is that it's not the "hard way" but the "only way."

I know that expression isn't going away any time soon so bring on the "hard way." I want to continue learning and growing as much as I can. I welcome the situations that challenge me because while it may be uncomfortable in the moment, I'm a better, stronger person on the other side.

Monday, August 22, 2011

New Beginnings

Wow - I've posted less than 10 ten times in over a year and a half. Honestly, I wish I had posted more because so much has happened. I began my first professional position in my career. I fell in love in a way that I hadn't yet experienced and created some amazing memories. I graduated with my second masters degree. I lost that love but learned more about myself and what I want than I ever expected because of that relationship. And now I'm picking up the pieces and starting a new chapter of my life.

For the first time since kindergarten, the school year started and I'm not a student. Being a "student" has been a part of my identity for so long that I'm still adjusting to life as only a professional. Learning what to do with my free time, setting goals to continue learning and growing outside of a classroom, and enjoying the freedom of having no homework! Another part of my identity for as long as I can remember is being "in a relationship." I don't think it comes as a surprise that I enjoy having someone by my side, supporting me, encouraging me, and just living life with me. Now I'm neither and honestly I'm scared. But I'm also proud to be a strong, intelligent, independent woman that has the world at her fingertips.

Everything that has happened to me has brought me to this exact moment. I'm confident in who I am but I'm ready to put me first for a change. I won't settle for less than everything I dream for in life. So here's to new beginnings: the path may not always be easy but all my experiences will be worth it in the end!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thanks Mid-Back Pain...

It's the perfect weather outside right now to go on a run!

But I'm hesitant, thanks to this horrible mid-back pain...

It started about a month ago when I was at Universal. I'm not sure what I did to aggravate it but the pain was there. After a few days, it slowly went away and hasn't been back...until two days ago...

I think it was the series of occurrences that re-aggravated it. On Wednesday, I ran and used the row-machine at the gym and that machine is killer on the back. Usually I would mean killer in a good way because I love rowing but in this case, I think it was bad. Then the next day, I decided to play interior decorator and helped Abby rearrange her office (i.e. move around HEAVY office furniture).

So my dilemma is: do I run through the pain? Maybe I should just stick to doing some yoga today?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Biggest Loser, Not Just a TV Show!

I don't know about anyone else, but in order for me to make healthy eating and exercising an actual habit, I need some kind of incentive. Of course, it is great that I will be healthier and maybe even lose a few pounds but I need a little extra push. Up until this semester, my "little extra push" was that I had a great workout partner, Ingrid. If it wasn't for her making sure we were training and working out, I'm sure I wouldn't have been as consistent and I definitely wouldn't have run my second half marathon.

This leads me to my point: it is always easier to do something when you have a support group helping and encouraging you.

At the end of last semester, my boss was announcing that his New Year's Resolution would be to lose weight. And as bets started to be made about whether or not he could do it, an idea came to me. Let's have our own "The Biggest Loser"! From there, everyone agreed, we set the rules and the starting date.

Here are our rules:

Initial Weigh-In: January 3, 2011
Final Weigh-In: May 9, 2011

1. There is a one-time entry fee of $25 due on January 3rd at the initial weigh-in.
2. Heidi will serve as the competition referee, meaning she will administer the weigh-ins.
3. Weigh-ins will happen every Monday at the start of the work day.
4. If, for whatever reason, you must leave the competition, your $25 will stay in the pot.
5. At the final weigh-in, whoever has the largest percentage of weigh lost will win the entire pot ($100).
6. The usage of weight loss products is not allowed.
7. Eat healthy and exercise!
8. Have fun and encourage each other!

I created a poster to hang in our office (pardon the bad quality of the picture):

So far we've had two weigh-ins. I'm really sad to report that even with the work I put into improving my eating habits, I gained a pound between the first and second weigh-in. To be honest, it was like a slap in the face to see that one pound weight gain. I thought: Why should I even try? I'm doing the right thing and I gained weight! I didn't expect to lose a ton but maybe a pound or two would have been nice. Either way, after going through the initial emotions of gaining that pound, I know it's only week one and it's just more motivation to continue figuring out what works for me. I'll keep you updated on my progress and I encourage you to start a "Biggest Loser" in your office, with your friends, or with your family!!**

**If you would like a spreadsheet that easily calculates the percentage weight loss, email me and I would love to share it with you!**

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Crock Pot = Not A Success (yet)

When I got a crock pot for Christmas, I was so excited because all I had ever heard about them were that they were so easy and everything comes out great! So I was really looking forward to Sunday because I made plans to use it for the first time. I found a recipe in the book that was given with the crock pot for pot roast. It looked fairly simple so I decided to give it a try. The recipe called for me to put all the extras (sweet potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, and mushrooms) in first and then place the seasoned meat on top. Then the beef broth was poured in afterwards. So it looked a little something like this:

My first instinct was to think that something was off and the meat should be in the beef broth to soak in all the moisture and flavor. But because I'm a rule follower, I went with what the recipe said and turned it on for slow cooking for 10 hours. I went to work and when I got home my apartment smelled wonderful. The meal looked like this:

I was still skeptical because I don't have the greatest confidence in my cooking abilities but I was hopeful. When it came time to eat, I cut pieces of the meat for Nelson and I and put some of the extras on our plates with the meat.

Final Result: The meat was dry and not very flavorful. But the extras were good! Probably because they were cooking in the broth all day...lesson learned.

But I'm not discouraged. I'm thinking it may take a couple tries before I get it right. I'm open to any recipes you all use!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nothing Like A Beautiful Day

The weather today was perfect! So lucky for me, I got to spend the whole day outside. The entire staff went to Canterbury Retreat Center to play games, do team builders, and participate in the high ropes course. I won't even go into how I felt about my eating habits today - sometimes you have to just go with what is provided. However, I still think there was some serious calorie-burning that balanced everything out. What was great was that, I didn't even feel like I was working out - which to me is the best kind of work out.

Don't Kristen and I look super stylish in our harnesses?

Hopefully tomorrow will begin my regular working out. I will be starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and Monday I will begin training for my first race of the year!

Friday, January 7, 2011


January is the month where everyone seems to be asking, "What is your New Year's resolution?"

According to Yahoo News, here are the top ten resolutions for 2011:

1. Lose weight
2. Be happy
3. Save money
4. Fall in love
5. Get a job
6. Read more
7. Eat, drink, try or learn something new
8. Quit smoking
9. Take a photo every day for a year
10. Run a marathon

Perhaps I will share all of my yearly goals in a later post, but one of them is to eat healthier and make a habit of working out.

So check back as I share more about my journey to eating healthier and making a habit of working out!