Sunday, September 20, 2009

In Desperate Need... travel!

I've absolutely loved all the adventures I've been on so far but I now I have the "travel bug." I want to start planning my next big trip...anyone want to accompany me? :)

visited 15 states (30%)

visited 8 countries (3.55%)

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Main Entry: lack·a·dai·si·cal
Pronunciation: \ˌla-kə-ˈdā-zi-kəl\
Function: adjective
: lacking life, spirit, or zest :

I feel like that word describes me fairly well at this moment. Lately, my life has had glimmers of hope, snapshots of happy but I can't say that is a constant. I wish I could. But sometimes I need to remind myself of all the wonderful things in my life so keep me going. So here is list:

  • Meeting the other bridesmaids in Kim's wedding and really getting along with them

  • Building my friendships with the other hall directors

  • Being there to witness my best friend from high school getting married

  • My regular run around Lake Baldwin on Friday afternoons

  • Getting the courage to reconnect with old friends

  • Hearing God's whisper telling me that my purpose right now is to dream my own dreams, that He is in control, and He will provide for what I'm longing for when the time is right

  • Spending time with my Grandma and Aunt

  • Knowing my family supports me and is always there for me

My hope is that this list will continue to grow and that even when I'm down I will be able to recognize my blessings.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Giveaway at "Your wishcake."

I've never participated in a giveaway or blogged about a giveaway - so there is no better time to start than now!

When I revamped my blog, I joined a community of bloggers call "20 somethings." Through that group I have been exposed to some fabulous blogs! One of them being Your wishcake. I always enjoy her posts :)

She posted a giveaway on her site yesterday. I encourage everyone to check it out because she is truly talented!