Monday, January 11, 2010


So I have to admit that there are several blogs that I read on a regular basis. I have them all bookmarked so I can make sure I check in every once in a while. So if you need any good reading material, let me know! :)

There is one that I just discovered that is so fun. It is called Five Blondes. The blog is written by five sisters and they share about what is going on in their lives.

One of the sisters posted this cute poem:

The Masks of Love.

I come in from a walk
With you
And they ask me
If it is raining.

I didn’t notice
But I’ll have to give them
The right answer
Or they’ll think I’m crazy.

-Alden Nowland

Just a little midday inspiration to get me through this work day!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Successes and Goals

Because of the amazing field I work in, I had also two weeks off (paid!) during the holidays. I made it a point to still be somewhat productive. I knew that I wanted to set goals (not resolutions...because goals just sound more legit lol). But after browsing around the blogosphere, I was inspired to come up with a list of successes to celebrate from 2009. What a positive way to start a new year! Although there were some pretty significant negatives about 2009, it was wonderful to look back and see how blessed I am and how proud I can be.

So with further ado, here it is:

  • Traveled to Costa Rica and was awarded a scholarship to pay for the trip

  • Ran my first half marathon with my mom!

  • Won the SunTrust Distinguished Leader of Merit competition

  • April:
  • Began to get more involved at Discovery through DC Kids and helping them with Step Into Africa

  • May:
  • Graduated with Crummer to receive my MBA

  • Offered opportunity to stay on staff at Rollins as a Hall Director

  • June:
  • Celebrated my birthday in Siesta Key with friends - brought back amazing memories!

  • Was accepted into Higher Education master's program at UCF

  • July:
  • Witnessed my brother get married to his beautiful wife :)

  • October:
  • Won the Master's Case Challenge with Taylor

  • Promoted to Assistant Director of Living Learning Communities!

  • November:
  • Developed genuine friendships with my fellow HDs and my classmates

  • Bought a new car and am paying for it on my own!

  • December:
  • Achieved a 4.0 GPA in the Fall semester

  • Lost 15 pounds

  • Moved into an amazing new apartment

  • Overall, I had an amazing year with a lot of transitions and it just excites me for 2010. Along with my reflection, I set goals for the year and really thought through how I would accomplishment them. Spiritually, I would like to become more familiar with the Word, become more consistent in my walk, and continue to discern God's will for my life. Personally, I would like to increase my confidence and continue to nurture all the relationships in my life. Professionally, I would like to have a strong and successful first year full time in my field. Academically, I would like to continue to stay involved in my program and maintain the success I achieved in my first semester. I am motivated to achieve it all!

    Monday, January 4, 2010

    Palace fit for a princess...

    Just a few weeks ago, I received the keys to my new apartment. I knew packing and moving would be a lot of work but wow! Thankfully I didn't have to do it alone but it did take about 12 car loads.

    This is what my apartment looked like when we finally got all my stuff in....

    I had a couple weeks to get everything situated and when my parents came to visit for Christmas they brought some final touches. So it's time to start the tour...

    As you walk in, you enter my living room:

    Sharing the space with my living room is my desk/office area:

    A bit further is the sun room that I have turned into my reading room. I highly suggest this chair to anyone looking for a comfortable lounging chair:

    My dining room:

    My kitchen:

    My bathroom:

    I now have a guest room that is open for anyone interested in visiting Winter Park :)

    Lastly, my room, but more importantly my amazingly comfy bed!

    I've had a great time moving in and finding the perfect place for all of my things. Of course, there are still projects I'd like to complete but it is really starting to feel like home.

    Friday, January 1, 2010

    Hello Sassy!

    Although she has big shoes to fill, she's been doing a good job so far!

    And I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself that I'm in a place where I can pay for her all on my own :)

    Meet Sassy!

    Posts to come:

    • Tour of my apartment

    • Successes and celebrations from 2009

    • Goals for 2010