Thursday, January 7, 2010

Successes and Goals

Because of the amazing field I work in, I had also two weeks off (paid!) during the holidays. I made it a point to still be somewhat productive. I knew that I wanted to set goals (not resolutions...because goals just sound more legit lol). But after browsing around the blogosphere, I was inspired to come up with a list of successes to celebrate from 2009. What a positive way to start a new year! Although there were some pretty significant negatives about 2009, it was wonderful to look back and see how blessed I am and how proud I can be.

So with further ado, here it is:

  • Traveled to Costa Rica and was awarded a scholarship to pay for the trip

  • Ran my first half marathon with my mom!

  • Won the SunTrust Distinguished Leader of Merit competition

  • April:
  • Began to get more involved at Discovery through DC Kids and helping them with Step Into Africa

  • May:
  • Graduated with Crummer to receive my MBA

  • Offered opportunity to stay on staff at Rollins as a Hall Director

  • June:
  • Celebrated my birthday in Siesta Key with friends - brought back amazing memories!

  • Was accepted into Higher Education master's program at UCF

  • July:
  • Witnessed my brother get married to his beautiful wife :)

  • October:
  • Won the Master's Case Challenge with Taylor

  • Promoted to Assistant Director of Living Learning Communities!

  • November:
  • Developed genuine friendships with my fellow HDs and my classmates

  • Bought a new car and am paying for it on my own!

  • December:
  • Achieved a 4.0 GPA in the Fall semester

  • Lost 15 pounds

  • Moved into an amazing new apartment

  • Overall, I had an amazing year with a lot of transitions and it just excites me for 2010. Along with my reflection, I set goals for the year and really thought through how I would accomplishment them. Spiritually, I would like to become more familiar with the Word, become more consistent in my walk, and continue to discern God's will for my life. Personally, I would like to increase my confidence and continue to nurture all the relationships in my life. Professionally, I would like to have a strong and successful first year full time in my field. Academically, I would like to continue to stay involved in my program and maintain the success I achieved in my first semester. I am motivated to achieve it all!

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