Sunday, April 22, 2007

Soap Box

I am my brothers biggest fan :) and I quite enjoy it. Since my brother came up to FSU, I've been to almost every concert he is in (at least out of the ones he has invited me to). Its always nice to see him in his element. He is so talented and so passionate. And Saturday night was just that - another wonderful experience watching him do what makes him happy. I can't wait to see what his future holds and how many lives he will touch - I can only imagine....

I think I had a "I'm getting older" moment this weekend. I'm not sure how it happened. Is it because the majority of my week is spent around people who are at least 15 years older than me? Is it because I have stopped relating to people my age who are in college? I tried to go out last night. I thought I would enjoy some 80s music, maybe catch up with people I haven't seen in a while.

I got ready, drove down to the strip....and realized I would rather be at home relaxing and watching a movie. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. Did this mean that I don't know how to have fun anymore? Have I become unsocial? I think its unfortunate that I have to make myself go out to feel like I fit in. I am now disappointed that I was disappointed last night. I wish there was a way to put emphasis on activities that expand your mind, such as my brother's concert, not activities that your friends have to tell you about the next day because you can't remember. Okay, I'm stepping off my soap box...

This week is going to be pretty exciting - well at least it will be a stray from my usual week which, work, work, work...see a pattern? Well my parents will be here Tuesday :) I'm submitting my Rollins application sometime this week after I write my essays. I have a huge interview on Thursday that, if it goes well, will make up for all the rejection that I've had to deal with. The rewards of the job will outweigh any of the benefits that I would have gotten had other interviews in the past gone well. No pressure or anything right? No pressure - I have prepared and I am ready to knock their socks off. But pray for me just in case ;) Pray that I haven't gotten my hopes up too high. And then this weekend is the ATO formal with Eric in Daytona. I can't believe I will be at the beach in a week. I hope the weather is as beautiful as it was this weekend.

So I didn't really have much to say but I hope you enjoyed the update. One last thought - to the boy who sat in front of me at church today, I am praying for you. I know I don't know the details of your life or why you seemed so unhappy to be at church but I saw how your mom looked at you. She seemed hurt and seemed like she was trying to reach out to you, trying to show you that God loves you and she loves you. I could be completely wrong - but I would like to assume that it's because you are a teenager and just don't get it yet. I've been there - I know how you feel. But one day, without you even realizing it, your parents will become more important to you than anyone in the world. I hope that same day you will tell them that you love them and they will know that for the first time, you truly mean it. My heart grieved for you. I'm not sure why but I felt that I should put my feelings out there. I hope you know that I was thinking about you and if I, as a person who doesn't even know you, was thinking about you, then I can only imagine the amount of time the people that love you spend thinking about you. But in the mean time, I'll keep praying...


Anonymous said...

Seriously, I love you. And I'm so glad you're in my life. And I'm praying hard core that you get the Rollins deal- you're perfect for it and you deserve it!

Anonymous said...


i can only hope that you know how much i love you-i'm sure you do.
being in touch with your true feelings is so important-just let them take you down your path and always remember that you " get what you give ".
see you tomorrow--love you.


Anonymous said...


Kyle is lucky to have a fan like you!! And I'm so lucky to be able to say your both stars in my eyes. It's so nice to know how close you two are. Where is the picture of you on your blog? The world needs to see how beautiful you are - they know how talented you are... See you sometime tomorrrow night - if all goes well. Keep up the writing. Everything will go your way this week. It's going to be a great week for you.
Whatever happens - "happens for a reason". Don't you hate hearing that.. But it will be ALL good.. HUGS TO YOU!!