Last night, Jenna and I went and saw In The Land of Women. It just convinced me more that I actually do have a "type" when it comes to guys. I love tall, skinny, dark haired guys and there is nothing I can do about it haha. Adam Brody is so cute and so funny in a dry humor kind of way. But not only is he good, I really enjoyed Meg Ryan in this movie as well. I don't want to give it away if anyone happens to go see it, but it is a chick flick - if you are into those kinds of movies get ready to laugh and maybe even shed a tear (i did - i'm a sap - don't hate me for it).

Hopefully next week I can get some people to see Disturbia with me - I heard it was good - has anyone seen it??
So, this morning I had my first ever eye exam. It was a lot less scary than I had anticipated. Shout out to Dr. Ebert - she was awesome. Of course, she'll never see this - but she was super nice. If you are in Tally and need an eye exam (I know, random), go see her! She asked me if people ask me a lot of I wear color contacts and I said no - and she said well you have a beautiful eye color. Made me feel pretty good :) Turns out I have a small astigmatism in my right eye (probably cuz it runs in the family, thanks mom ;) love you) but not enough to make a big enough difference with glasses which makes me feel relieved.
Feeling good after my eye exam, I did what any girl (like me) would do - went shopping! The only reason this story is blog-worthy is because I bought jeans from Charlotte Russe for $4.99 each!! I am self-proclaimed shop-a-holic but I am an expert bargain finder. If you need to shop, and you are on a budget - let me know!! (hmmm, note to self: make a business plan to be a consultant for bargain shoppers haha).
Moving on....
My Mom and Dad are coming to Tallahassee the beginning of next week!! I'm sooo excited! It has been such a long time since I've seen my Dad and I miss him so much. I know that the visit will be too short but I'm really looking forward to spending time with my family, all of us - even Sammy! :)

Now I'm just relaxing for the rest of the day before my brother's concert. I should work on my essays for grad school - give me some motivation :)
You are too funny. I cant wait to see ITLOW, but I am going to see Disturbia tonight...Ill let you know how it is. I love your quirkiness in your blogs, i can totally hear you saying those things. Makes me miss you though. Love you!
great thoughts!!!!!
the sammy picture was funny--is he a trip or what?
see you in a couple of days.
d & m
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