Saturday, May 5, 2007


Sometimes change seems like such a big deal whether it is life changing or you are just changing your hairstyle. People deal with change in different ways and other people just try to avoid it. I know people with a range of reactions to change. For me, I'm scared of it, but I try to embrace it anyways. Right now in my life, a lot of things are changing. I feel like I have mentioned change too many times in my blog but it is just something that is so in my face right now I can't get away from it and I don't really feel like I have an unbiased person to talk to about it.

What my biggest hope is is that people would be sensitive to other peoples tolerance to change. Whether that means letting someone who is very scared to talk openly about it without judgement or ridicule or that may mean someone who is excited for change to share their enthusiasm with someone who may be hesitant. Whatever the situation may be, each person should know that things will work out the way they were supposed to all along no matter how much you pull for things to stay the same or pull for things to drastically change. It takes compromise and communication.

I hate this feeling that I have. It is hard to explain without going into unneccesary detail. It causes a lot of negativity on my part and thats why it hurts but it causes a strong desire for me to wish with all of my heart that I could go back to being a little kid. Back to a time when I didn't really know a lot that was going on with the world. And when I say world, I mean the people around me, because when we are little, that is our world. I want to pull the wool over my eyes and act like I don't see the world. All I had to worry about was who was going to be able to play after school that day. That was nice...

I know this post may have a different tone than most but I can't help how I feel. I try to be supportive and I try to handle all the change that is going on - but I don't know if I can do it anymore. It is important to me for me and the people I love to be happy - but it is easy to feel when they are not happy, no matter if they are saying it or not. I hope this blog causes some people to think. Or perhaps, if you are reading this and I don't know that you read my blog, you may be going through some changes too. And I want to put it out there now that I am thinking about you - whoever you are. I hope that your changes go smoothly and that you realize everything happens for a reason. There is that phrase again - I mentioned it in my first post. It is something that a lot of people easily say - but when it comes to their own life, for some reason to them, the phrase doesn't count.

Well I just want to say - it does count. Everything does happen for a reason. Everything happens so that you can grow as a person no matter if you are 6 years old or 60 years old. There are still experiences left to happen in the world. It will be scary and it definitely will be out of your comfort zone. But that is why you have people around you that enjoy the change that are there to balance you out. They are there to be your comfort zone while everything around you may seem to be spinning out of control.

I really feel like I could go on and on about this. But I hope I've gotten one thing across - I know that all that matters is that we have the ones we love around us. No matter if they are next door or a few states away. Love doesn't know distance. And if you are afraid of change, that's okay - just know that keeping a positive outlook will help. That is what I'm doing when it comes to graduate school. Orlando is my home town but moving back there is scary to me. But I know that it is just a stepping stone in life and if it doesn't work out there I will just look forward to the next step after that. Life is full of lessons and what is the point of it all and what lessons will I learn if I don't take any risks. And if you are someone who thrives on change, then be there to comfort those who aren't. Help them to see the adventure and the positive aspects of the change without making them feel bad for the way they feel. It is about support.

I guess thats long enough for now...