Thursday, October 4, 2007

Lessons Learned

There are quite a few things I have learned these past fews weeks:

1. Facebook is the devil. I don't think I have to say much else about that. No matter how much I wish I could erase my account and never look back, I know I couldn't, which makes me sad.

2. Baseball is not as boring to watch as I thought it was. Watch a game with someone who loves the sport and you will understand.

3. Working full time and going to school full time is really tough.

4. After realizing #3, I know now the value of relaxing and having free time. Those two things are taken advantage of so whenever you are bored, think of me, I'm probably off somewhere wishing I could have five minutes to sit down.

5. If I try to look at the last two months of my life from an outsiders point-of-view, it is so clear that there was definite plan with what happened. I didn't know that at the time, but certain people were coming and certain people were leaving for a reason. No matter how much I still wish I could go back, I know the situation was not in my hands - the outcome would have been the same. At least, that is what I'm choosing to believe, and that is comforting.

6. Back to #3 - I need more time for friends and family.

7. My hair grows slower than I thought - I'm waiting very slowly for those inches to come back :)

8. Getting up at 6am to run is refreshing.

9. It is okay to say no every once in a while.

I was hoping to think of more lessons, but I am exhausted and excited :) My mom is staying with me tonight. I'm looking forward to that, because although we talk every day, it may only be for a few minutes of a time. I am excited to go shopping and finish decorating my apartment :) My dad comes into town tomorrow as well. It has been way too long since I have seen him. Andrea and Kyle come in tomorrow also. Being that my Grandma's 80th birthday party is this Saturday means it will be a weekend full of family :)

Next week is my mini-vacation to Chicago! We didn't get tickets to the Cubs game but I know we will still have an amazing time. Hopefully I will have some pictures to share with you, but if you know me, you know I'm not the best at taking pictures. I will force myself :) According to, it will be in the 60s as the high. Brr :)

Side note: Giving laptops to students to bring to class is the easiest way to encourage us to not pay attention.

Time to learn about statistics...:)

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