Moving away from my parents for the first time was hard. But it taught me to be more independent and strong.
My dorm freshman year brings a lot of good memories and some bad as well. The roommate situation could have been better but it helped me learn that people aren’t always going to get along but you have to learn how to deal with it. And I had all of my close friends from high school with me – we had so much fun.
I remember walking around campus before my first day of college classes with my little map, making notes of where the buildings were. Looking back on it now, I can’t believe I know the campus like the back of my hand. I thought I would never get used to it.
My freshman year brought a change of heart. I went to FSU for the meteorology program. I decided that wasn’t the path I wanted to go. I sometimes regret that decision but I know that God has a path for me and I don’t think He would lead me away from my true passion (although I don’t know what that is yet).
My sophomore year was the year of change.
My two best friends decided they didn’t want to be my friend anymore. That caused good and bad changes in my life. Of course, I was confused and hurt. My life would, without a doubt, be completely different if we stayed friends. And if it wasn’t for my roommates, Emily and Lindsay, I would have been lost.

I was able to experience college life and meet an enormous amount of people because of Emily and Lindsay, they brought me out of my shell. And we have been friends (and with Emily, roommates) ever since. I’m excited that all of us will be in Orlando together.
That year, I gave up an old love and gained a new one. I met Eric. My boyfriend – my best friend. It would take me pages to explain how much he means in my life.

My junior year was full of fun.
I finally lived off campus with great friends. So many memories, so much drama. My life would be boring without these girls. And if they are reading this right now, only they will know the craziness of that year. I love each of them for different reasons – they have contributed to my life and I am grateful for that.

I got involved on campus by joining CHICS. Caring and Helping In Community Service. I was able to volunteer and meet some of the greatest girls I've met while at FSU. I smile every time I think of spending time with this group. Lots of laughs and lots of fun :)

My brother moved to Tallahassee that year. He has always been my brother but I don’t know if I would have considered him a “friend.” I am so happy to say that now he is one of my best friends who happens to also be my brother.

He introduced me to Life Church, now Genesis Church. When I leave Tallahassee, this is one of the biggest aspects of my life that I will miss. I don’t know if I will ever have a pastor who is so passionate about making church relevant and trying to reach people like Pastor Brian is. He has taught me that the Bible does relate to my every day life and through all of his messages has shown me how to walk in Jesus’ path. I will never forget my time at Genesis Church. I can feel the difference from when I first started going there until now. I just hope that I can continue growing.
My senior year (only one semester) can be described as the semester of Bullwinkles. In the midst of finishing college and interviewing for jobs, we found a new place to go. It reminds me of our sophomore year and Stetsons. Both places were always a good time (and of course, this was when we were first introduced to Tom Sartori haha – I will always remember that night).

My last semester was a roller coaster of emotions. Excitement, nervousness, scared, happy, sad, mad – I felt it all. I was trying to figure out the rest of my life. And I was dealing with rejection after rejection in job interviews. Not knowing what I was doing wrong or why things weren’t working out. If I didn’t have my friends and family, I would have been going crazy.

Graduation day went by so quickly. All of my efforts during my time as a student at FSU were wrapped up in that one day. Why did I wear those red shoes? haha :)

My sublease not working out forced me to stay in Tallahassee. Yesterday was the last day of my first job. I’ll remember the day I was offered the job forever. I was so excited, and I thought I was going to be such an integral part of my department. I spent a lot of my time bored at my job (and if you have talked to me during that time, you know my frustration very well). But it helped me develop as a person – just as every other experience has. I learned what I wanted and needed out of a career – to be around people, to be busy and have responsibilities, basically everything that job wasn’t. But I met some incredibly nice people – and I wish them all of the success.
And now I have come full circle and I’m going back to school. I may regret my decision when I have tests to take and papers to write and projects to do but I am getting my masters. I should feel blessed that I have this opportunity. And I am – I’m excited for everything that could happen to me as a result of being a part of Rollins.
I will miss the football games. I will miss driving up the hill on Tharpe because that always brought a good feeling knowing that I was almost home. I will miss Frisbee golf and One Stir Fry. I will miss my brother and watching him sing. I will miss church. I will miss my apartment. I will miss my roommates.
But through everything, I had and will always have my friends and family. My parents have always been there for me through all of my emotions, supporting me and loving me. Thank you – I love you both more than I can explain.

There are so many more memories I can talk about. And they will be the reason why leaving on Sunday will be so hard. But they come with me - I will always have my memories.
as you start your new phase in life, just know that we love you more than life and wish you only the best. life has its ups and downs and you just have to roll with its punches--as you have so well. best thoughts to you as you start on your Masters way.
m & d
awe thats a good little chronicling of your time @ FSU/Tallahassee.
You'll be missed!!
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