Thursday, May 17, 2007

Quick Thought

Nostalgic moments.
Deja vu.
Those are two feelings that I look forward to. They are always pleasantly unexpected. It's usually something simple. Like today in the Publix parking lot, I was brought back to Friday nights in high school, getting ready for a football game. I'm not sure why, but this is a memory that comes back often. I think it had something to do with the way the sun was setting.

I hope these feelings never go away.

Sometimes I feel like deja vu is a way to know that you are on the right track. Its quick. But its a feeling that I have been in that exact situation and said those exact things before. A moment like that excites me. Where did that feeling come from? How is it triggered? Maybe I'll never know.

I'm not sure why I wanted to share this but I hope that you all experience sweet memories randomly throughout your week. They make me smile.
So if you were in my past, most likely you are still in my present because some happening in my day brings you back to my mind.


Anonymous said...

Great thoughts!

Anonymous said...

The sunset is defintely the cause for the moment...I feel it all the time. And 100% of those moments include you. Those were good times. Can't wait to be in the same city again. Love you.