Just a few weeks ago, I received the keys to my new apartment. I knew packing and moving would be a lot of work but wow! Thankfully I didn't have to do it alone but it did take about 12 car loads.
This is what my apartment looked like when we finally got all my stuff in....

I had a couple weeks to get everything situated and when my parents came to visit for Christmas they brought some final touches. So it's time to start the tour...
As you walk in, you enter my living room:

Sharing the space with my living room is my desk/office area:

A bit further is the sun room that I have turned into my reading room. I highly suggest this chair to anyone looking for a comfortable lounging chair:

My dining room:

My kitchen:

My bathroom:

I now have a guest room that is open for anyone interested in visiting Winter Park :)

Lastly, my room, but more importantly my amazingly comfy bed!

I've had a great time moving in and finding the perfect place for all of my things. Of course, there are still projects I'd like to complete but it is really starting to feel like home.