December 25, 2007
The North Pole
Dear Santa,
Merry Christmas! I remember the days when I used to try to spot you in the sky on Christmas Eve. My parents had me convinced that you made a special stop at our house to drop off one gift while we were driving around looking a Christmas lights. I could have sworn I heard you and your reindeer on my roof one night. Thank you for all the memories that you are a part of from my childhood :) This season always reminds me of such wonderful times!
There are just a few things I want this Christmas:
-Good times with my friends and family
-Love and Laughter
-Safe travels
-A special New Year's kiss
-Happiness in 2008
I've been a good girl :) I think I deserve it. Please bring any gifts that my friends and family want as well - they mean everything to me!
P.S. Merry Christmas to everyone who reads my blog! I hope you all have a wonderful day that is full of delicious food, new memories, and good cheer. I'll write again in 2008!