Thursday, August 30, 2007

Oh By The Way...

Living on campus = filling my gas tank once a month :)

Just thought I would share!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday :) only day off...

And yet, I still have no time to relax. Tomorrow I start orientation! I feel like I've been here forever and finally I will be able to get into a routine. I think that is what I'm most excited about - gotta love schedules :)

There was so much stuff I wanted to blog about tonight but I didn't get everything I needed done today. I did a ton of shopping for the majority of the rest of the decorations so I thought I would finally be ready to take pictures and let you all see my beautiful apartment. But the stuff I bought was basically all stuff that needs to be hung and I amazingly have concrete walls (slight sarcasm). Any suggestions on how to hang things on a concrete wall...please let me know!!

So hmmm...some updates on life? I'm still really busy with work. Yesterday was returning students check-in so that means another 8am to 5pm day of sitting in the lobby handing out keys. As I'm sitting here thinking about the past week or so it all relates to work haha. Its a good thing that I like my job and the people I work with :)

Oh! Many of you that are reading this are probably my friends on facebook (hi everyone lol) so you know this news. Well I was told a few weeks ago that scholarships for school were given based on GMAT score only. I was 40 points away from a $20,000 scholarship. The minute I found that out, I signed up to take the GMAT for a second time. I procrastinated big time on studying and crammed the last two days. Probably not the smartest thing - and to be honest, I didn't really expect much. I took the test on Thursday. I nearly jumped for joy when my score came up on the screen. I got the score I needed and got the scholarship!! Thanks to everyone who congratulated me :)

I am so excited that I have found a wonderful church. I still miss Genesis so I stay connected by listening to the podcasts (if you have iTunes, you should subscribe to them! Pastor Brian is awesome!) but I wanted to find a place that I feel comfortable at here in Orlando too. I started going to Discovery Church last weekend and I love it. I'm looking forward to continuing my journey there and learning more about myself and the path God wants me on. Thankfully, I have connected with an amazing woman that I know I will learn so much from this year. I'm not sure if she reads this blog, but if you are reading....Your advice is priceless to me. I feel blessed to have you in my life as a mentor because you are such a strong Christian woman that I really look up too.

On a completely different note - I read my horoscope every day. Usually just for fun, but lately the horoscopes seem to be more relevant than usually. One caught my eye so I wanted to share it with all of you:

When you are riding the tides of life today, be very mindful of the
undercurrents - because they are what will actually lead you to your
destination. There's not much you can do to change the direction
you're traveling in, so just relax and enjoy the ride. Its full of
surprises, as well as twists and turns that will leave you feeling
exhilarated, albeit a tad bit confused. But "confused" is just
another word for "excited" if you look at things with a positive

The funny thing is two pieces of advice in this horoscope have been given to me before so this really hit home for me. Confusion is an emotion that I have become familiar with lately but after reading this horoscope and reading the advice I had already been told, I am excited about everything now. I am in this exact moment for a reason. I have amazing people in my life and great things are happening to me. I could easily see things in a negative light but I choose to see everything positively. Along with that goes accepting and letting go of past emotions and looking only into the future. I am ready for what He has in store for me.

Well its time to iron my clothes for tomorrow and finally get to bed. Be thinking about me tomorrow on my first day of graduate school!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Quick Morning Thoughts

I thought my time at Rollins would be my chance to grow in a stronger relationship preparing for our lives together while getting my degree. It was an adventure that I was excited about more than anything. I knew it would be hard and it would require a lot of communication and honesty but most importantly love. That dynamic has already shifted. Although I am fully aware now what it means to truly appreciate and love someone with all of my heart, that feeling can't be enjoyed on a one-way street. God has something bigger planned for me. He has revealed to me in the past few days more than I could have ever expected. And I know that my next relationship, no matter when or who it may be with, it will be beyond amazing. I feel in my heart that God is telling me that He knows that this is hard for me but he would never put something in my path that I can't work through and become stronger because of it. He is amazing in the fact that He knows what is truly right for every person and if we aren't strong enough or ready to do what is He knows is right, He will take that on. This is an exciting road that I am on because I am putting all of my trust in Him knowing that no matter what I want, His will for my life will be done.

These were just some thoughts I had this morning so I decided to share them. And like I've said in the past few posts, in time pictures of my apartment will come haha. I'm hoping to finish the decorations before classes start (which is the 27th).

Have a good weekend everyone!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I hope I will be able to update with pictures soon. I planned on posting some tonight but I just don't have much free time anymore. I'm settling into my apartment at Rollins, training for the Graduate Assistant/Hall Director position, and trying to prepare for school.

The good thing about training is that I have met so many great new friends. I find myself laughing all day long which definitely helps make it easier for me to adapt. And it really seems like everyone will be there to support me since I am new to Residential Life. My apartment is coming together. There is a little more decorating to be done. For a select few, you will have the pleasure of watching my "video diary" of the stages of moving in.

I still have some hesitations about everything I have taken on because I really don't want to fail but I am trying to stay positive. It's overwhelming to go into a completely new situation and new surroundings when I've had such a comfort zone for the past four years.

I have decided to retake the GMAT which has opened up a new can of stress. I found out that if I raise my score slightly (only by 40 points) I can receive a minimum of $20,000 in scholarships! How crazy is that?! I would have been so upset if I found out too late. I wish I knew in the beginning of the summer that way I could have studied a lot more. But I can't complain because at least I have the chance and I can't regret not trying. Wish me luck!

I'm sorry for not being witty or funny in this post. I promise I will be back to my old self soon once I get my routine in place. If you know me, you know I like having a routine and a schedule. Thank you to everyone that has been there for me to keep me sane :)

Until next time...