Sunday, April 29, 2007
ATO "Informal"
I've been to three formals in my time and I have to say that this year's formal was the best! Not only was I at the beach, I was able to spend the weekend with Eric (although it was too short - and too much driving!). I forgot how much I love everything about the coast. The sand, the seashells, the crashing waves, the amazing sand castles and of course the pelicans! ;) I even tried playing a little beach volleyball - granted I wasn't that good, it is the effort that counts :) I'm usually a little hesitant going somewhere with Eric when I won't know anyone else. I've come to find that most of the time people already have their groups of friends and aren't as open to letting in "the new girl" - which is usually fine with me. But for some reason I went into formal this year hoping to meet some new people and not feel so dependant on Eric. And I succeeded :) Of course, I stuck by Eric most of the time (ok, I'll be honest - the whole time) but I could tell that I was being more social and it worked out because I think I left this weekend with a few new friends and I'm very excited about that. So all-in-all other than the food being cold and the steak being chewy like rubber (haha!), formal was a success. Being around fun people dancing to 80's music by the tiki bar under the stars was a perfect way to spend the weekend (thank you Eric!).
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure....

Thursday, April 26, 2007
With the Good, Comes the Bad
I am having so much fun having my parents in Tallahassee. Last night we ate at Food, Glorious Food - sooo good by the way! I don't know if the people in the restaurant thought we were just plain crazy or just having a really good time. First off, we had Sam with us. We almost got kicked out by someone who I knew by association (huge attitude!). But it was fine because the other waiter chimed in and put him in his place - dogs are allowed! lol. So we sit down and wait for Kyle and Andrea. It was her first time meeting the parents and I think it went really well. The conversation flowed, everyone was cracking up, we were having a great time! This story sounds like it should some embarrassing or bad situation happen and it didn't at all - we all just genuinely were having fun, so it was awesome. It kinda made me forget how nervous I was for today...
I had an interview this morning that was pretty huge. If I get this job, it will be great experience and take a huge load off of the financial burden that comes along with grad school. I don't want to talk about it too much but all I will say is this - I hope I didn't screw it up. I was nervous, and was blabbering and just talking - I'm not even sure I could tell you everything I said. I was really prepared and I had thoroughly thought through the job qualifications and I had great answers in my mind. They asked the questions I was expecting to hear and yet I still was jumbling up words and stuff. But oh well - I'm hoping it came across better than I think it did. I won't know until the end of May - so from now until then I will be nervous - but if there is karma in this world, I hope something goes well for me once. Let's hope...
So now I'm sitting here at work - it's 12:54 and I have absolutely nothing to do. I know I complain a lot to the people around me that I have nothing to do and that's mostly true. But throughout the day, I usually have things going on. Definitely not enough to fill a whole day but enough to spread out throughout the day and get it all done and not be completely bored. Well today is different. The only thing on the agenda is taking the mail bag over at 2:30. Hopefully I can accomplish that without too much difficulty (insert me rolling my eyes).
I'm stuck reliving my interview. Don't worry - my pity party will only go on for today. I will soon enough be okay with how it went. I know that I did everything I could - and they just have to expect that people are going to be a bit nervous...especially when it is a 4-on-1 interview. Okay okay, enough about that...
It is now 12:58...
I should be out looking at houses with my parents - I contemplated asking my boss if I could take the last half of the day off, but I think this is too late of notice. Not that they would really know if I left anyways haha.
Ok - I just took a chance and asked her if I could leave...
She said yes!!!!!!
Gotta go :)
I had an interview this morning that was pretty huge. If I get this job, it will be great experience and take a huge load off of the financial burden that comes along with grad school. I don't want to talk about it too much but all I will say is this - I hope I didn't screw it up. I was nervous, and was blabbering and just talking - I'm not even sure I could tell you everything I said. I was really prepared and I had thoroughly thought through the job qualifications and I had great answers in my mind. They asked the questions I was expecting to hear and yet I still was jumbling up words and stuff. But oh well - I'm hoping it came across better than I think it did. I won't know until the end of May - so from now until then I will be nervous - but if there is karma in this world, I hope something goes well for me once. Let's hope...
So now I'm sitting here at work - it's 12:54 and I have absolutely nothing to do. I know I complain a lot to the people around me that I have nothing to do and that's mostly true. But throughout the day, I usually have things going on. Definitely not enough to fill a whole day but enough to spread out throughout the day and get it all done and not be completely bored. Well today is different. The only thing on the agenda is taking the mail bag over at 2:30. Hopefully I can accomplish that without too much difficulty (insert me rolling my eyes).
I'm stuck reliving my interview. Don't worry - my pity party will only go on for today. I will soon enough be okay with how it went. I know that I did everything I could - and they just have to expect that people are going to be a bit nervous...especially when it is a 4-on-1 interview. Okay okay, enough about that...
It is now 12:58...
I should be out looking at houses with my parents - I contemplated asking my boss if I could take the last half of the day off, but I think this is too late of notice. Not that they would really know if I left anyways haha.
Ok - I just took a chance and asked her if I could leave...
She said yes!!!!!!
Gotta go :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Morning Commentary
Don't be misled by the title of this blog. I had every intention of writing this in the morning - but it turns out I actually had something to do at work! Ha! :)
Anyways, speaking of work, I've had my fair share of rejections when it comes to interviews. I'm not sure why, because I think I have been a good candidate for every job I have applied for - but that would be a whole other blog, let's save it for another time. Well in January, I traveled to Chicago for a second interview with LaSalle Bank (on their expense of course). Well I found out yesterday morning that ABN AMRO (the parent company of LaSalle Bank) sold LaSalle. To whom, you ask? Bank of America! Ha! I have to admit, I found it rather funny and ironic (kinda). Maybe if they had hired me, they wouldn't have been sold. Okay okay, I know that is not true, but I still can't help but feel pride for being a Bank of America associate. Maybe everything does happen for a reason...
I received a rather exciting voicemail last night from my new coach. Yes, thats right, Coach! If all goes well and I get accepted to Rollins for the fall, I will playing lacrosse again! I am thrilled because I have missed playing so much. And! It is a division 2 team so that means that practicing and all that good stuff will actually be taken seriously. I have to start training now so I don't look like the old fogey to all the freshman haha!
One of my favorite shows came on last night - The Bachelor. That should tell you a little about me: 1) I watch a lot of reality TV and 2) I actually hope that people can still fall in love this day in age. But it got me thinking (I know, brace yourselves, I had another thought). When we are single (and by that I mean, not married) we uncounter thousands of people, and for some people that number may be in the millions, every day. And for most people, you reach a certain age and you get concerned with meeting "the one." The one. Out of all those thousands or millions of people, we are up against the challenge of finding one person that suits us. Which makes sense that there are still people that grow old and never get married, or get married and then realize that person wasn't the one for them. I couldn't figure out if I think these girls that go on the Bachelor are hopeful or stupid. Could they really be that lucky that they don't have to be like everyone else? They don't have to put themselves out there and hope for the best. ABC found their perfect man and he is waiting in a half a million dollar car and a multimillion dollar mansion just for her. Oh but wait, there is a catch. This same man is "the one" for 24 other women. Now I know you are thinking - it's not that serious, its just a TV show...good wholesome entertainment haha. And I get that - I just thought maybe this is the downfall of romance these days. Women are now expecting amazing "one-on-one" dates in exotic locations with seemingly perfect guys. And that may be what some people want to wait for (and they will be waiting for a loooong time). But what ever happened to courtship? I don't see romance as competing for a guy's attention while he is making out with another woman. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I would rather meet a guy (check), get to know him (check), form a friendship (check), and grow together into a fun, loving relationship (check). Trust me, it can happen :)
Thats my two cents...
Anyways, speaking of work, I've had my fair share of rejections when it comes to interviews. I'm not sure why, because I think I have been a good candidate for every job I have applied for - but that would be a whole other blog, let's save it for another time. Well in January, I traveled to Chicago for a second interview with LaSalle Bank (on their expense of course). Well I found out yesterday morning that ABN AMRO (the parent company of LaSalle Bank) sold LaSalle. To whom, you ask? Bank of America! Ha! I have to admit, I found it rather funny and ironic (kinda). Maybe if they had hired me, they wouldn't have been sold. Okay okay, I know that is not true, but I still can't help but feel pride for being a Bank of America associate. Maybe everything does happen for a reason...
I received a rather exciting voicemail last night from my new coach. Yes, thats right, Coach! If all goes well and I get accepted to Rollins for the fall, I will playing lacrosse again! I am thrilled because I have missed playing so much. And! It is a division 2 team so that means that practicing and all that good stuff will actually be taken seriously. I have to start training now so I don't look like the old fogey to all the freshman haha!
One of my favorite shows came on last night - The Bachelor. That should tell you a little about me: 1) I watch a lot of reality TV and 2) I actually hope that people can still fall in love this day in age. But it got me thinking (I know, brace yourselves, I had another thought). When we are single (and by that I mean, not married) we uncounter thousands of people, and for some people that number may be in the millions, every day. And for most people, you reach a certain age and you get concerned with meeting "the one." The one. Out of all those thousands or millions of people, we are up against the challenge of finding one person that suits us. Which makes sense that there are still people that grow old and never get married, or get married and then realize that person wasn't the one for them. I couldn't figure out if I think these girls that go on the Bachelor are hopeful or stupid. Could they really be that lucky that they don't have to be like everyone else? They don't have to put themselves out there and hope for the best. ABC found their perfect man and he is waiting in a half a million dollar car and a multimillion dollar mansion just for her. Oh but wait, there is a catch. This same man is "the one" for 24 other women. Now I know you are thinking - it's not that serious, its just a TV show...good wholesome entertainment haha. And I get that - I just thought maybe this is the downfall of romance these days. Women are now expecting amazing "one-on-one" dates in exotic locations with seemingly perfect guys. And that may be what some people want to wait for (and they will be waiting for a loooong time). But what ever happened to courtship? I don't see romance as competing for a guy's attention while he is making out with another woman. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I would rather meet a guy (check), get to know him (check), form a friendship (check), and grow together into a fun, loving relationship (check). Trust me, it can happen :)
Thats my two cents...
Monday, April 23, 2007
My Puppies!
So as most of you know when I get a dog, I want to get two. Two miniature dachshunds :) And I want them to look different - for example, a short hair red one and a long hair black and tan one. Something like that. Well my original thought was to name them old men names like Fred and George. I know - random, but I like it. Well I get a call from my mom today telling me that she had thought of some really cute names. And I laughed so hard because how cute would this be...
I thought it was hilarious so I had to share :) My thought would be to make sure Frankfurt was a really long dachshund (aka hot dog haha) and Beans would be the runt of the litter. Anyways, I hope everyone is having a good day!!
I thought it was hilarious so I had to share :) My thought would be to make sure Frankfurt was a really long dachshund (aka hot dog haha) and Beans would be the runt of the litter. Anyways, I hope everyone is having a good day!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007
Soap Box
I am my brothers biggest fan :) and I quite enjoy it. Since my brother came up to FSU, I've been to almost every concert he is in (at least out of the ones he has invited me to). Its always nice to see him in his element. He is so talented and so passionate. And Saturday night was just that - another wonderful experience watching him do what makes him happy. I can't wait to see what his future holds and how many lives he will touch - I can only imagine....
I think I had a "I'm getting older" moment this weekend. I'm not sure how it happened. Is it because the majority of my week is spent around people who are at least 15 years older than me? Is it because I have stopped relating to people my age who are in college? I tried to go out last night. I thought I would enjoy some 80s music, maybe catch up with people I haven't seen in a while.
I got ready, drove down to the strip....and realized I would rather be at home relaxing and watching a movie. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. Did this mean that I don't know how to have fun anymore? Have I become unsocial? I think its unfortunate that I have to make myself go out to feel like I fit in. I am now disappointed that I was disappointed last night. I wish there was a way to put emphasis on activities that expand your mind, such as my brother's concert, not activities that your friends have to tell you about the next day because you can't remember. Okay, I'm stepping off my soap box...
This week is going to be pretty exciting - well at least it will be a stray from my usual week which, work, work, work...see a pattern? Well my parents will be here Tuesday :) I'm submitting my Rollins application sometime this week after I write my essays. I have a huge interview on Thursday that, if it goes well, will make up for all the rejection that I've had to deal with. The rewards of the job will outweigh any of the benefits that I would have gotten had other interviews in the past gone well. No pressure or anything right? No pressure - I have prepared and I am ready to knock their socks off. But pray for me just in case ;) Pray that I haven't gotten my hopes up too high. And then this weekend is the ATO formal with Eric in Daytona. I can't believe I will be at the beach in a week. I hope the weather is as beautiful as it was this weekend.
So I didn't really have much to say but I hope you enjoyed the update. One last thought - to the boy who sat in front of me at church today, I am praying for you. I know I don't know the details of your life or why you seemed so unhappy to be at church but I saw how your mom looked at you. She seemed hurt and seemed like she was trying to reach out to you, trying to show you that God loves you and she loves you. I could be completely wrong - but I would like to assume that it's because you are a teenager and just don't get it yet. I've been there - I know how you feel. But one day, without you even realizing it, your parents will become more important to you than anyone in the world. I hope that same day you will tell them that you love them and they will know that for the first time, you truly mean it. My heart grieved for you. I'm not sure why but I felt that I should put my feelings out there. I hope you know that I was thinking about you and if I, as a person who doesn't even know you, was thinking about you, then I can only imagine the amount of time the people that love you spend thinking about you. But in the mean time, I'll keep praying...
I think I had a "I'm getting older" moment this weekend. I'm not sure how it happened. Is it because the majority of my week is spent around people who are at least 15 years older than me? Is it because I have stopped relating to people my age who are in college? I tried to go out last night. I thought I would enjoy some 80s music, maybe catch up with people I haven't seen in a while.
I got ready, drove down to the strip....and realized I would rather be at home relaxing and watching a movie. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. Did this mean that I don't know how to have fun anymore? Have I become unsocial? I think its unfortunate that I have to make myself go out to feel like I fit in. I am now disappointed that I was disappointed last night. I wish there was a way to put emphasis on activities that expand your mind, such as my brother's concert, not activities that your friends have to tell you about the next day because you can't remember. Okay, I'm stepping off my soap box...
This week is going to be pretty exciting - well at least it will be a stray from my usual week which, work, work, work...see a pattern? Well my parents will be here Tuesday :) I'm submitting my Rollins application sometime this week after I write my essays. I have a huge interview on Thursday that, if it goes well, will make up for all the rejection that I've had to deal with. The rewards of the job will outweigh any of the benefits that I would have gotten had other interviews in the past gone well. No pressure or anything right? No pressure - I have prepared and I am ready to knock their socks off. But pray for me just in case ;) Pray that I haven't gotten my hopes up too high. And then this weekend is the ATO formal with Eric in Daytona. I can't believe I will be at the beach in a week. I hope the weather is as beautiful as it was this weekend.
So I didn't really have much to say but I hope you enjoyed the update. One last thought - to the boy who sat in front of me at church today, I am praying for you. I know I don't know the details of your life or why you seemed so unhappy to be at church but I saw how your mom looked at you. She seemed hurt and seemed like she was trying to reach out to you, trying to show you that God loves you and she loves you. I could be completely wrong - but I would like to assume that it's because you are a teenager and just don't get it yet. I've been there - I know how you feel. But one day, without you even realizing it, your parents will become more important to you than anyone in the world. I hope that same day you will tell them that you love them and they will know that for the first time, you truly mean it. My heart grieved for you. I'm not sure why but I felt that I should put my feelings out there. I hope you know that I was thinking about you and if I, as a person who doesn't even know you, was thinking about you, then I can only imagine the amount of time the people that love you spend thinking about you. But in the mean time, I'll keep praying...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Weekend Update
Last night, Jenna and I went and saw In The Land of Women. It just convinced me more that I actually do have a "type" when it comes to guys. I love tall, skinny, dark haired guys and there is nothing I can do about it haha. Adam Brody is so cute and so funny in a dry humor kind of way. But not only is he good, I really enjoyed Meg Ryan in this movie as well. I don't want to give it away if anyone happens to go see it, but it is a chick flick - if you are into those kinds of movies get ready to laugh and maybe even shed a tear (i did - i'm a sap - don't hate me for it).

Hopefully next week I can get some people to see Disturbia with me - I heard it was good - has anyone seen it??
So, this morning I had my first ever eye exam. It was a lot less scary than I had anticipated. Shout out to Dr. Ebert - she was awesome. Of course, she'll never see this - but she was super nice. If you are in Tally and need an eye exam (I know, random), go see her! She asked me if people ask me a lot of I wear color contacts and I said no - and she said well you have a beautiful eye color. Made me feel pretty good :) Turns out I have a small astigmatism in my right eye (probably cuz it runs in the family, thanks mom ;) love you) but not enough to make a big enough difference with glasses which makes me feel relieved.
Feeling good after my eye exam, I did what any girl (like me) would do - went shopping! The only reason this story is blog-worthy is because I bought jeans from Charlotte Russe for $4.99 each!! I am self-proclaimed shop-a-holic but I am an expert bargain finder. If you need to shop, and you are on a budget - let me know!! (hmmm, note to self: make a business plan to be a consultant for bargain shoppers haha).
Moving on....
My Mom and Dad are coming to Tallahassee the beginning of next week!! I'm sooo excited! It has been such a long time since I've seen my Dad and I miss him so much. I know that the visit will be too short but I'm really looking forward to spending time with my family, all of us - even Sammy! :)

Now I'm just relaxing for the rest of the day before my brother's concert. I should work on my essays for grad school - give me some motivation :)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Jesus Loves Me, This I know
So I came home from work today and on the fridge was a flyer my roommate got on campus today. It caught my eye....
Just out the website -
If you go to FSU or other colleges I'm sure you have encountered the crazed evangelists that scream at the sorority girls and tell everyone why they are going hell for various reasons....These people were spreading a new, rather refreshing message. Jesus doesn't hate you - He loves you. I thought it was cool...
Just out the website -
If you go to FSU or other colleges I'm sure you have encountered the crazed evangelists that scream at the sorority girls and tell everyone why they are going hell for various reasons....These people were spreading a new, rather refreshing message. Jesus doesn't hate you - He loves you. I thought it was cool...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
American Idol
Sanjaya got kicked off!! :)
But I have to admit - I felt bad when he started crying. I thought it was ridiculous that he got to the top seven but he did follow his dreams so no one can knock him for that :)
And I just thought I would share the lyrics that Martina McBride sung on American Idol last night because it is one of my favorite songs right now:
You can spend your whole life buildin'
Somethin' from nothin'
One storm can come and blow it all away
Build it anyway
You can chase a dream
That seems so out of reach
And you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway
God is great, but sometimes life ain't good
When I pray it doesn't alway turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway
I do it anyway
This worlds gone crazy and it's hard to beleive
That tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway
You can love someone with all your heart
For all the right reasons
And in a moment they can choose to walk away
Love 'em anyway
Sweet dreams everyone!
But I have to admit - I felt bad when he started crying. I thought it was ridiculous that he got to the top seven but he did follow his dreams so no one can knock him for that :)
And I just thought I would share the lyrics that Martina McBride sung on American Idol last night because it is one of my favorite songs right now:
You can spend your whole life buildin'
Somethin' from nothin'
One storm can come and blow it all away
Build it anyway
You can chase a dream
That seems so out of reach
And you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway
God is great, but sometimes life ain't good
When I pray it doesn't alway turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway
I do it anyway
This worlds gone crazy and it's hard to beleive
That tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway
You can love someone with all your heart
For all the right reasons
And in a moment they can choose to walk away
Love 'em anyway
Sweet dreams everyone!
"For I know the plans I have for you...." Jeremiah 29:11
Everything happens for a reason...this is something I am hearing a lot lately. It is definitely something I want to believe but is this an overused cliche just to make someone feel better? Maybe. Last night while getting ready for bed, I caught a glimpse of my senior picture from high school. It is in a small frame that has the bible verse at the top inscribed on it. I thought about myself four years ago when I was graduating from high school and getting ready to come up to FSU and how I had somewhat of an idea of what I wanted to do (which is now completely different than what I graduated with). It was more of a dream really - pretty unrealistic but it made me think last night. If I stuck with that path, where would I be now? Would I have my dream job and everything in my life be perfectly in place? Possibly. But now I'm at a crossroads in my life. I have faced another graduation with just somewhat of an idea of what I wanted to do - but now its different. I'm filled with doubt and questioning in regards to the next step in my life. What if I take a wrong turn and end up doing something that isn't in my path? The verse says "For I know the plans I have for you...." I wish those plans could be made more apparent to me so I'm not nervous when I take my next step. But then we come full circle to the infamous "everything happens for a reason." Can I trust that my next step is happening for a reason and is on my path? I guess I will never really know. I envy people that know exactly what they want out of life. I have general ideas and general stepping stones that I feel that I will take. I guess that is the excitement that comes with being blessed to have choices and options in my future. I just need to learn to stop overthinking things and when I want to do something - just go for it. I know in my mind that there is nothing that I will do that will jeopardize my future and the happiness and fulfillment that I will have. But yet, my next step in life that is in such a gray area right now consumes my thoughts. The rest of this year is going to bring a lot of change in my life - I hope I'm ready for it!
Everything happens for a reason...this is something I am hearing a lot lately. It is definitely something I want to believe but is this an overused cliche just to make someone feel better? Maybe. Last night while getting ready for bed, I caught a glimpse of my senior picture from high school. It is in a small frame that has the bible verse at the top inscribed on it. I thought about myself four years ago when I was graduating from high school and getting ready to come up to FSU and how I had somewhat of an idea of what I wanted to do (which is now completely different than what I graduated with). It was more of a dream really - pretty unrealistic but it made me think last night. If I stuck with that path, where would I be now? Would I have my dream job and everything in my life be perfectly in place? Possibly. But now I'm at a crossroads in my life. I have faced another graduation with just somewhat of an idea of what I wanted to do - but now its different. I'm filled with doubt and questioning in regards to the next step in my life. What if I take a wrong turn and end up doing something that isn't in my path? The verse says "For I know the plans I have for you...." I wish those plans could be made more apparent to me so I'm not nervous when I take my next step. But then we come full circle to the infamous "everything happens for a reason." Can I trust that my next step is happening for a reason and is on my path? I guess I will never really know. I envy people that know exactly what they want out of life. I have general ideas and general stepping stones that I feel that I will take. I guess that is the excitement that comes with being blessed to have choices and options in my future. I just need to learn to stop overthinking things and when I want to do something - just go for it. I know in my mind that there is nothing that I will do that will jeopardize my future and the happiness and fulfillment that I will have. But yet, my next step in life that is in such a gray area right now consumes my thoughts. The rest of this year is going to bring a lot of change in my life - I hope I'm ready for it!
Just a little disclaimer: I hope everyone that starts reading my blog, enjoys it. But more importantly, I will love hearing your opinion - so start commenting! :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
About Me!
I became a Rollins College alum in 2009 and a UCF alum in 2011!
I'm beginning to believe that I am a professional student...
There is no place like home. I love my family and cherish the time I spend with them.
My friends mean the world to me and I am so grateful to have people in my life that truly care.
When I'm bored, I clean, organize and declutter...and that makes me really happy.
Speaking of organization, I love Microsoft Excel. I do everything I can in excel - budgets, name it, I probably have a spreadsheet for it.
I love having fresh flowers in my room...especially sunflowers. :)
I've come to realize that I love autumn.
My favorite time of day is when the sun sets.
I can't imagine driving anything else besides a down, wind much fun :)
If I'm listening to music, there is a large chance that I'm singing at the top of my lungs and dancing. I can't help it. :)
I have a slight obsession with shopping.
I love dresses and would wear one everyday if I could. Well I probably could if I really wanted to.
Unfortunately, I am never satisfied with my hair style and am always looking for new ways to get it done.
I'm trying to find a craft that I truly enjoy - I haven't found one yet.
I miss Genesis Church very much and cherish every memory I have of it.
I'm somewhat of a homebody. Staying in, cuddling up and watching a movie is so much fun.
But at the same time, many great memories have been made while out on the town. ;)
I love live concerts and FSU home football games!
Vacations, near or far, make me happy.
I love that I've become somewhat of a world traveler.
I'm a sucker for sweets.
I believe in love and romance and kisses that make my heart skip a beat.
I love meeting fun new people but it's great hearing from old friends too.
If you are in Orlando, call me, we should hang out ;)
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